

We almost always ship within 3 business days of receiving your order.

IMPORTANT: If there is a problem or you need to make a change to your order and we do not respond immediately to your email you MUST call us until you reach us at 410-990-0005 (East Coast business hours).

PLEASE READ YOUR CONFIRMATION EMAIL TO CHECK FOR MISTAKES: wrong item ordered or wrong address! Autofill is notorious for giving us the incorrect address. If you are asking us to ship to your office you must include the name of the business. If you use a P.O. Box please understand we may need to ship your order USPS Parcel Select Ground and make sure you include the actual address of the post office. Unfortunately, if you give us an incorrect address, do not pick up your shipment, etc. and it is returned to us - we need to treat it like a return which means we will only refund the price of the items, not the shipping. This is because the shipping has already been paid for and they do not refund that to us. So please check your address before you finish checkout!

If the East Coast has a hurricane or major snowstorm please add 1-4 days transit time to all of the estimates below.

In order to keep from overcharging our average customers our system does not always charge correctly for very large or multiple-box orders. You may receive a call or email asking you to pay a Paypal invoice to correct the cost of shipping before we ship your large order.

We ship from (and receive returns at):

Aris Allen
7509 Ridge Rd.
Frederick, Maryland 21702

We are closed and/or cannot ship on weekends and the following days:

  • New Year's Day*
  • Presidents' Day (Monday)
  • Memorial Day (Monday)
  • Independence Day*
  • Labor Day (Monday)
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving)
  • Christmas Day*

* Usually observed Monday or Friday if the holiday is on a weekend.

Days we are open with possible modified shipping schedules due to holidays:

  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • Columbus Day
  • Veterans Day
  • Christmas Eve
  • New Year's Eve


See delivery time estimate chart below -
You can calculate the cost of shipping on our shopping cart page.
We usually use UPS or USPS and will email you a tracking number when we ship.

We cannot guarantee an exact receipt date, but based on our experience you can calculate the approximate arrival of your package using the chart below:
East of the Mississippi
West of the Mississippi
Northwest U.S. Alaska and Hawaii
2-4 business days transit time
3-6 business days transit time
5-9 business days transit time
7-15 business days transit time


Also: in October, November, and December shipping may take an extra day or two because of increased volume caused by both Halloween, Holiday, and New Year's purchases. We cannot control this - please expect delays during these months.

Alaska & Hawaii please note: to keep the average shipping price as low as possible for the Continental US we will be shipping your packages via USPS Parcel Select Ground. It sometimes adds about a week extra to shipping times.


Note: UPS & USPS have gotten very good at scanning outgoing packages. If your tracking number says "Label Created" but nothing else we assure you it was shipped but just not scanned when they picked it up. We do not lose packages on the way out (if you saw our office you'd understand - there's no place to lose anything here). 

Is it now after our estimated delivery time? It's very rare, but packages do get misplaced in transit.

  • USPS - If your tracking number shows it was shipped via USPS please walk in to your local post office and ask them if there's a package for you. 99% of "lost" packages simply went out with the delivery driver and came back to the post office then never went out again. Sometimes it actually says "delivered" but it's just sitting at the post office and will be returned to us in a few months.
  • UPS - if your tracking number shows it was shipped via UPS please call them at 800-742-5877 and ask them what happened. They genuinely often find packages when you call about them.

If this does not produce your package then call us at 410-990-0005. 10 business days after your package is estimated to arrive we will happily reship to you. If you receive both packages just write "did not order" on the 2nd one and give it back to the delivery service.

IMPORTANT: Please order early. We will not expedite packages or refund shipping costs due to problems or mistakes whether they're your fault, our fault, or that of the delivery service, thieves, etc. We do the best we can but this is mail order and it's rare, but sometimes something goes wrong - and when it does we fix it.


  • Cost is based on location and weight.
  • Please use a business address whenever possible.
  • We cannot guarantee an exact delivery date, but based on our experience you can calculate the approximate arrival of your package using the chart below. Please note that estimates are in BUSINESS DAYS - and do not include weekends or holidays (this is usually only a problem in late November and December).
  • Unfortunately when we ship internationally some things are out of our control. Because of this you are responsible for any customs duties charged by your home country. Any strange or unexpected fees charged by your country when the package arrives will be paid by you.

We cannot guarantee an exact date, but based on our experience you can calculate the approximate arrival of your package using the chart below:
Australia Other
7-10 business days
transit time
10-20 business days
transit time
15-25 business days transit time
15-25 business days
transit time

These estimates are based on actual shipping times we have observed. If your package does not arrive 20 business days AFTER these estimates we are happy to reship your order at no cost to you. We know that sounds like an absolutely insane amount of time to wait but packages are almost never lost - but some of them take a crazy amount of time to get to their destination.

If your postal carrier does not leave a notice in your mailbox - and you don't ask at your post office, or if you don't pay the customs fees on time, etc. - then your country will send your package back to us:

  2. IN A FEW DAYS GO AGAIN. Almost all "lost" packages are just sitting at your post office and they did not leave a notice in your mailbox.
  3. If you do not pick it up (or if you don't pay the customs fees on time, or anything else that happens in your country that we have no control over): after 3-8 weeks your postal service will send it back to us.
  4. IMPORTANT: When it arrives at our office we will refund the cost of the items - not the shipping. We already paid to ship your order and your postal service sent it back to us - we cannot get a refund on the shipping. We will treat it like a normal return.
  5. You will need to go on our site and place another order.
  6. And please remember that if the postal service in your country does not scan your package we cannot track it.


We are very sorry to have to say this - but we cannot control what the post office in your country does with the package we send you - it almost always works perfectly - but a few times a year we get a package back.